Finding or creating broccoli stem recipes can seem downright daunting! And sometimes, just plain intimidating. So like many others, I didn’t bother and tossed it. I chose not to because, on that first day, I was hell-bent on not being wasteful. So I made my first broccoli stem recipe which blew me away!!!!! In this post, I will share with you 2 broccoli stem recipes to splurge your stems on. As well as some tips on how to alter some recipes for little ones.
Broccoli stem recipes
Leftover broccoli stem and sweetcorn pizza
The first stop is this unpredictable broccoli stem recipe that will leave you wondering if that deliciousness just happened. Yes, it did! The pizza dough is made with white, whole grain, and rye flour– however, you can also make it with plain white flour.
And now onto the toppings which are the sautรฉed broccoli stem with chili. If making this for children you can omit the chili and it will be just as amazing!!! Then there is sweet corn to cool things down a notch and mozzarella.
What you may or may not have noticed yet is that the pizza base is without sauce. Yes, just a drizzle of oil and that’s it! To finish, i grate thick slivers of grana padano and crack some black pepper onto it. Served! Have a friend or family who isn’t into meaty pizza? Serve them this instead.
Healthy sweet potato soup with broccoli stem
Since moving countries, our appetites have fluctuated more times than i can count. And with it, my skin condition. So it was only a matter a time before i came up with a recipe for those days when you either want to eat light, or want to feel like you are not clogging your arteries with nasties.

A few reasons why you might just like this soup is that you can enjoy it cold too. Making it a favorite to take to work and not have to wait for the microwave queue (eye roll). It features a few and simple ingredients, and is suitable for children. So no need to make a separate batch for hectic weekend dinners- just make enough and store it in the fridge.
And the last reason is for my broccoli hating reader, you will hardly be able to tell that there is any broccoli in this. I tested it out on a few friends and out of 5, only 1 could tell there was any in it. Guess there is a reason she is nicknamed ‘the hound’. ๐

How you might enjoy this soup is with toasted, roughly chopped almonds with the skin. The sweet and veggie-ish flavor mixed with the crunchy almonds is more than I can describe, you absolutely must try this!
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Thanks for stopping by and stay happy ๐
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