Best Way to End an Argument…
The story behind this ham and cream recipe goes back 10 years. When Fran lived in Zurich- at the heart of the city centre. The studio had what I will call a ‘smart kitchen’ (similar to a wardrobe on the outside- with doors opening to 2 compact upper shelves and in the middle was a miniature sink and 2 hobs beside it). The window overlooked a neighborhood supermarket with a vibrant display of fruits and vegetables. A simple view that seemingly brought life and warmth to the dull endless concrete landscape. Anyway back to the story…

I lived in Montreux at the time which was a dreaded 3-hour train ride to Zurich. Whenever I could, I paid him a visit over the weekend. Which I must add was a refreshing change from the quiet picturesque town to the bustling business capital. On this visit, I was rewarded with a homemade meal and I cannot tell you how excited and intrigued I was!
I sat at the dinner table which overlooked the kitchen. We carried on with the conversation as he stirred the ham and cream sauce. In no time the pasta was ready, a few forkfuls into it we got into an argument and I stormed out.

I got back shortly after, sat down and ate the pasta cold- yes, it was worth it. Since then, I have to say this recipe is something I can’t escape. The perfect excuse to use up any leftover cream for salted caramel, butter, baking, or of course your’s truly- pasta with ham and cream.
A meal doesn’t have to be overly complicated or expensive to be memorable. Sometimes, it’s because of what you were going through, perhaps the music in the background or the person who made the dish for you. It could be the people at the table, the sunset/sunrise as you ate, or the event you were celebrating.
"A meal doesn’t have to be overly complicated or expensive to be memorable." Share on XOn many occasions, it’s more than one factor that creates a memory that you will forever associate with that dish. Do you have macaroni and cheese, pizza, or porridge as your comfort food? Well, pasta with ham and cream of course – IS mine. This is a quick, filling recipe that brings back some very good memories. Yes, it’s ‘dirty’ too but aren’t almost all comfort foods?

Ready for Some Quick Comfort Food? Pasta With Ham and Cream Ingredients
Pasta type: I will most often opt for short pasta with a cylindrical shape as I love how the sauce finds its way through the pasta tunnels gushing out with every bite!
Ham: When buying cooked ham, opt for one that is thinly sliced
Time: Also to save time, cook the sauce as the pasta boils away. The sauce takes about 5-7 minutes, and the pasta about 10 minutes or less unless it is whole grain which takes longer.
Sauce: I like a lot of black pepper in my sauce and I think the sharp slightly spicy kick balances out with the cream and salty cheese. If you aren’t a fan just minimise how much you put in. Always add the salt after you have added the cheese to avoid it being over-salty.
Should you decide to make your own special memories with this recipe, please let me know down below. Don’t be shy to share what other dishes put a smile on your face.
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Other Deliciously Simple Pasta Recipes You Might Like:
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Tortiglioni with ham and cream
A quick and simple pasta with ham and cream recipe that's sure to please the whole family. Just 4 ingredients away to your next go to comfort food!
- • 1 litre of water
- • 200g tortiglioni, rigatoni or penne pasta
- • 1/2 tsp salt
- • 2 tbsp olive oil
- • 150ml double cream plus 4 tbsp water
- • 100g thinly sliced cooked ham
- • 65g grated parmesan
- • salt and freshly grated black pepper to taste
Grate the parmesan and roughly chop the ham.
Bring the water to a boil, add salt and cook the pasta as per pack instructions or until al dente (soft but with a bite, the pasta should not be limp or start to break as this is a sign that it is overcooked). Prepare the sauce as the pasta boils.
Heat the olive oil in a nonstick frying pan over medium heat. Pour in the cream and water. Leave to cook stirring occasionally for about 3 minutes or until it starts to gently bubble then add in the ham to merge with the sauce until the cream begins to thicken (about 4 minutes).
Take it off the fire and sprinkle in the cheese and a generous portion of freshly ground black pepper as well as salt to taste.
If the sauce is ready before the pasta, put it back on the fire at low heat about 2 minutes before your pasta is drained then proceed with the instructions below. Otherwise if the sauce is still relatively hot as you drain the pasta, there is no need to put it back on the fire.
Drain the pasta and immediately toss with the sauce, serve hot with a sprinkle of parmesan.
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