The entire house clouded with the scent of bread is always welcome. I don’t care for a glass of red wine or the whole couch to myself and a night of uninterrupted chef’s table marathon. Just lock me up in the kitchen late at night with plentiful bread flour and leave me to my obsessive whims.
"Let's use up leftovers", is always a good excuse to bake some more! Share on XWith the baker’s percentage almost engraved in my head. I stare around the kitchen wondering what mischief we can get into today. I have 250ml of whole milk that’s about to go bad and no bread for tomorrow’s breakfast. I’m tempted to have caramelised onions and red pepper potato frittata for brunch. However, deep down I know that regret of pouring the milk down the drain will eat me up. More so, that potato frittata won’t scratch the itch.

Soon my mind is overtaken by thoughts of all the delectable spreads I could use as an excuse to make more bread. Yes, I did say more. More because the other 300ml was used a few hours ago to whip up some awfully addictive sweet ‘cornebuns’ scented with orange zest and vanilla (stay tuned for that recipe).
A little over 3.5 hours later the scent of orange zest is overridden (can I say that?) by an earthy coconutty scent that soon has me rummaging through the breakfast tray for the chocolate spread.

This is now my go-to whole grain option because of the fiber – among other good stuff in it. But also because it makes me feel like a rock has settled at the pit of my stomach once I’m done eating- and it lasts for hours. Notice the seed overload on those buns? I currently have this ongoing thing for sesame and sunflower seeds. So when topping yours with seeds feel free to use whichever you fancy more!
Please give the Whole grain, spelt and coconut rolls a thumbs up below.
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Whole grain, spelt and coconut rolls
- 300g wholegrain bread flour
- 84g spelt
- 20g fine coconut flour
- 10g gluten wheat
- 10g medium desiccated coconut
- 2tbsp granulated sugar
- 8g dry active yeast
- 1tsp salt
- 73g unsalted butter
- 1tbsp coconut oil
- 1 medium egg
- 250ml whole fat milk
Bring the butter to room temperature
Measure and mix all the flours with wheat gluten into a stand-mixer
Heat up the milk to just above body temperature. Separate 1/4 into a cup and add the sugar and yeast. Stir and leave to activate
Pour the coconut oil into the leftover milk and wait until cooled before whisking in the egg
Put the salt into one corner of the flour and make a well. Pour the milk mixtures into the 'flour well'
Mix on low speed just until all the flour is incorporated, then slowly add in the butter.
Leave the dough to autolyse (rest) for 10 minutes before beginning to knead on medium high for at least 7 minutes then increase the speed to high and knead for at least a minute.
Tip the dough into a lightly buttered bowl, cover with cling film and leave to for rise for 2 hours or until doubled in size.
Punch the dough back and portion into 60g each. Place them on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
Loosely cover with cling film then a kitchen cloth and leave to rise for another 1 hour or until doubled in size
Preheat the oven to 190C at least 10 minutes before you intend to bake
Glaze the buns with egg-wash (1 whole egg and 2 tbsp of milk) then sprinkle on the desiccated coconut.
Bake for 20 minutes until a rich brown is formed
Store in an airtight container or zip loc bag to retain moisture
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