Decades ago, while flipping through a novel you might have run into an ad here or there. I was in my teens and lived what seems like every waking moment reading one romantic novel after another. I could never seem to get enough. Then one day I came across an advertisement featuring a woman with her back to the audience seemingly lost in thought. Showing off this long dark and luscious mane that went all the way down to her waistline. In front of her were shrubs against a wall with yellow, orange and what seemed like purple flowers. The caption read: “she’s gone to Capri and she’s not coming back”.
This post does not delve into where to go, what to do and where to eat or stay. It’s just a short ramble of my few hours there.
I kept wondering why?

The words stuck with me, intrigued me to a point of obsession for a number of days. I missed the point that it was a cigarette ad. I just wanted to know what it was about Capri that was so captivating that she didn’t want to go back? What was so special about it?

The more I read about it the more absorbed I became and made a promise to myself. I would one day visit this place that had filled my mind with all soughts of fantasies.

I had unfortunately not considered one major detail? We would need to take a boat so that means garnering the courage to face my fear of large water bodies. Cut a long story short, it was worth it- even thought the visit was only a few hours long.

It goes without saying that the island is picturesque. And yes, it can seem like a rich man’s playground. As you walk through the narrow streets it’s hard to miss faces of celebrities plastered on restaurant doorways. A little temptation perhaps of who you might have a chance meeting while dining with them. Would i live there? I don’t think so.
Why? Because it’s chilled out; and in my mind- the place to spend a few days relaxing. It’s too far from other places and the idea of travelling by boat every so often is far from appealing. But then again, perhaps it might just be the place to retire. Would i go back, definitely because a few hours was absolutely not enough!
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